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Naxon Labs at CogLab: Fostering Innovation in Neurotechnology
February 12, 2024.
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In May 2023, Naxon Labs had the privilege of visiting CogLab in Paris, a beacon of innovation and collaboration in the cognitive sciences and neurotechnology community. Hosted by Hans Rajoharison, a key figure at CogLab and coordinator for NeuroTechX Europe, our visit underscored the shared vision and potential for future collaborations between Naxon Labs and CogLab.


Exploring the Intersection of Cognitive Sciences and Neurotechnology

CogLab, under the stewardship of founders including Romain Rouyer and Hans Rajoharison, is a vibrant community dedicated to exploring the realms of cognitive sciences through a unique blend of DIY philosophy, citizen science, and digital arts. Their mission aligns closely with Naxon Labs' objectives: to advance the understanding and application of neurotechnologies in a manner that is open, accessible, and community-driven.


The CogLab and NeuroTechX Paris Initiative

CogLab, in partnership with NeuroTechX Paris, has established itself as a crucial hub for enthusiasts, hackers, and experts passionate about neurotechnologies. They regularly host HackNight events, fostering an environment where knowledge sharing and collective project development flourish. This open and low-tech approach not only democratizes access to neurotechnology but also stimulates innovation and creativity within the field. The Meetup information can be found in this link. The team and activites run in the Makerlab Paris, 8 Bis Rue Charles V, Paris.


A Synergy of Goals and Projects

During our visit, we were inspired by the range of activities and projects spearheaded by CogLab. From their commitment to open-source principles and their active involvement in DIY cognitive science projects to the organization of hackathons and educational masterclasses, CogLab is at the forefront of making neurotechnology accessible and engaging. Their active projects, like Autispace, showcase a communal effort to leverage technology for social good, resonating with Naxon Labs' mission to create tools that benefit society at large.


Naxon Labs and CogLab: A Path Forward

Our visit to CogLab was not only a meeting of minds but also a confluence of shared ambitions. The enthusiasm and expertise displayed by Hans, and the entire CogLab developments have laid the groundwork for potential collaborations that could bridge the gap between neurotechnology research and practical, community-focused applications.

As Naxon Labs continues to develop advanced tools for EEG data analysis and emotion recognition, the insights and projects at CogLab offer a valuable perspective on the real-world applications of these technologies. The possibility of integrating Naxon Labs' tools with CogLab's initiatives presents an exciting avenue for both organizations to enhance the impact of neurotechnology on society.


Looking Ahead: Collaborative Innovations

As we move forward, grounded in our visit and the warm reception by Hans, holds the promise of fostering groundbreaking innovations in neurotechnology. In the spirit of our fruitful engagement with CogLab and NeuroTechX Paris, Naxon Labs looks forward to a future where our collaborative efforts contribute to the flourishing landscape of neurotechnology. Our visit to Paris was just the beginning, and we are excited about what our combined efforts will achieve for the cognitive sciences and neurotechnology community.